Let’s Float…
The Only Sensory Deprivation And Float Therapy in Billings MT. Floatation therapy is the practice of floating inside a darkened, quiet tank filled with warm water and is filled with 900 pounds of healing Magnesium salt which allows your body to float in water and mimics the buoyancy of the Dead Sea. In a float tank — also called a sensory deprivation tank- it allows you to focus completely on the experience of being in your body. This can help achieve a state of deep relaxation, supporting mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Helps to relieve stress, ease aches and pains, heal skin issues, among many other benefits. Float tank therapy is also known as Floatation Therapy and Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST). For best results, 4 sessions are recommended to experience maximum benefits.
60 min float drop-in
A one time use float tank access. 60 minute, single-use float.
Monthly Membership
Monthly members receive 2-floats/month at a special rate with option to purchase additional floats for a discounted rate of $44. Monthly membership requires a 4-month commitment and a credit card on file.
Dipz Add-on Membership
Dipz members have the option to add-on our standard Monthly membership for a reduced rate. *Same restrictions as Monthly members apply, requires a 4-month commitment and a credit card on file.
Whats a Dipz Membership!? Dipz is our in-house monthly accessed Hot tub, Wet Sauna, Infared Sauna and Cold plunge. Ask us How!